Online Links:
Value | Definition |
(no value) | null |
ac | Unincorporated Activity Center |
ag | Agriculture |
cb | Community Business Center |
co | Commercial Outside of Centers |
f | Forestry |
gb | Greenbelt/Urban Separator |
i | Industrial |
m | Mining |
nb | Neighborhood Business Center |
os | King County Open Space System |
rn | Rural Neighborhood Commercial Center |
ra | Rural Area (1du/2.5-10acres) |
rt | Rural Town |
rx | Rural City Urban Growth Area |
uh | Urban Residential, High (>12du/acre) |
ul | Urban Residential, Low (1du/acre) |
um | Urban Residential, Medium (4-12du/acre) |
upd | Urban Planned Development |
op | Other Parks/Wilderness |
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Codes in this layer reflect the goals of the King County Comprehensive Plan. These codes may be revised annually by Comprehensive Plan map amendments and occasionally other planning ordinances. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use categories are officially designated by the King County Comprehensive Plan and required by King County ordinance to be mapped.
Features were edited to conform to redrawn parcels in the vicinity of the other edits.
Person who carried out this activity:
Paul McCombs
Aligned to parcels in vicinity of Covington
Implemented KCCP2020 LUMA changes that affected Urban Growth Boundary due to requirement for UGA: LUMA 5.a - East Cougar Mountain; LUMA 6 - Maple Valley UGA Changes. These changes had previously been implemented in the layer after the adoption of the 2020 KC Comprehensive Plan, then rolled-back due to changes to the corresponding King County Countywide Planing Policies needing to be ratified, which happened June 1, 2021.
Person who carried out this activity:
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:King County data are made available with the understanding that they shall be used exclusively by the obtainer or his/her authorized agents. Digital products may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or by any means without the express written authorization of King County.
King County disclaims any warranty of use of any digital product or data beyond that for which it was designed.
Data format: | ESRI Shapefile |