Metro Sub Stations in King County

Metadata also available as - [Outline]

Frequently anticipated questions:

What does this data set describe?

Title: Metro Sub Stations in King County
Abstract: Trolley power supply within City of Seattle
Supplemental_Information: None
  1. How might this data set be cited?
    King County Dept. of Transportation, Metro Transit Division, GIS Group, unknown, Metro Sub Stations in King County.

    Online Links:

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?
    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -122.393116
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -122.256100
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 47.670560
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 47.512005
  3. What does it look like? (JPEG)
    JPG File of layer overlain on base of WA counties or local cities
  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?
    Calendar_Date: 20-Nov-2012
    publication date
  5. What is the general form of this data set?
    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?
    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?
      This is a Vector data set. It contains the following vector data types (SDTS terminology):
      • Entity point (0)
    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?
      The map projection used is NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet.
      Projection parameters:
      Standard_Parallel: 47.5
      Standard_Parallel: 48.73333333333333
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -120.8333333333333
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 47.0
      False_Easting: 1640416.666666667
      False_Northing: 0.0
      Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.00025
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.00025
      Planar coordinates are specified in foot_us
      The horizontal datum used is D North American 1983 HARN.
      The ellipsoid used is GRS 1980.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378137.0.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/298.257222101.
  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?
    Rectifiers/Sub Stations (Source: King County Metro)
    Internal feature number. (Source: ESRI) Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
    Feature geometry. (Source: ESRI) Coordinates defining the features.
    The name of the station (Source: King County Metro)
    The location of the station (Source: King County Metro)
    The address of the station (Source: King County Metro)
    Kilowatt hours 94 (Source: King County Metro)
    Maximum current 94 (Source: King County Metro)
    Name of the manufacturer (Source: King County Metro)
    (Source: King County Metro)

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)
  2. Who also contributed to the data set?
  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?
    King County Dept. of Transportation, Metro Transit Division, GIS Group
    Attn: Trang Bui
    Senior GIS Specialist
    201 S Jackson St, Suite 800
    Seattle, WA

    206-684-1593 (voice)
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm (FAX)
    Hours_of_Service: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

Why was the data set created?

This data set is a reference for location of overhead wire to help in planning construction projects or moving overheight vehicles on city roads. Providing sub station locations helps in expansion and maintenance of existing facilities. Identify the location of facilities which reduces chances of damage during construction.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?
  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?
    Date: 20-Nov-2012 (process 1 of 1)
    Metadata is updated by Trang Bui on 11/20/12.
  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?
    County, King, unknown, King County Transit Sub Stations.

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?
  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?
  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?
  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?
  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?
Access_Constraints: None
King County data are made available with the understanding that they shall be used exclusively by the obtainer or his/her authorized agents. Digital products may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or by any means without the express written authorization of King County.
  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)
    KCGIS Center
    Attn: Cheryl Wilder
    Data Sales Coordinator
    201 S Jacskon St, Suite 700
    Seattle, WA

    206-263-5220 (voice)
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set? /plibrary2/transportation/shapes/point/sub_stations.shp
  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?
    King County disclaims any warranty of use of any digital product or data beyond that for which it was designed
  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 06-Feb-2013
Metadata author:
King County Dept. of Transportation, Metro Transit Division, GIS Group
Attn: Trang Bui
GIS Analyst
201 S Jackson St, Suite 800
Seattle, WA

206-684-1593 (voice)
Metadata standard:
FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

Generated by mp version 2.9.50 on Sat Nov 2 14:15:59 2024