King County GIS Center
King Street Center
201 S. Jackson St.
Suite 706
Seattle, WA 98104

+ 47.59909 N
- 122.33136 W

+ 47°  35' 56.72"
- 122° 19' 52.90"


Agricultural Land Use 2017

Description | Contacts | Attribute Information | Constraints

Data layer thumbnail image


Layer name: AG_LANDUSE2017
Subject category: natres
Title: Agricultural Land Use 2017
Feature Count: 10871
Feature Type: Polygon
Abstract: Agricultural Land Uses identified through aerial photography and confirmed in some areas with field verification. Within the Agricultural Production Districts, all land use was mapped. Outside the Agricultural Production Districts ‘Farmed’ and ‘Farmable’ land uses were mapped.
Purpose: To assess agricultural activity and land use in King County.
Status: Complete
Updated: As needed
Time period of content: (single date,as YYYYMMDD)::
Time period of content: (date range, as YYYYMMDD):: 20170301 - 20171027
Spatial reference: WA State Plane North
FGDC Documentation: Classic or FAQ
Open Data Availability: Not Available
Place Keywords: Pacific NW, King County, WA, Washington state, Agricultural Production District,
Theme Keywords: natres, agriculture, land use, farming, environment,
Lineage: Available
Supplemental Information: The King County Agricultural Land Use and Infrastructure Assessment (“KC Land Use Assessment”) is intended to provide periodically updated data on the status of agricultural land use in King County for decision makers, land owners, resource agencies, researchers and the general public. King County collected agricultural land use data in 2001, 2003, 2006, 2013, and 2015 as well as 2017. Although this assessment was conducted in 2017, aerial images from 2015 were referenced for many areas since that was the most recent available at the time.


Maintained by:
King County IT, GIS Center
Primary: Todd Klinka, GIS Analyst, 206-477-4412
(How to e-mail a County contact)
Secondary: KCGIS Center; This mailbox is monitored during business hours.

Attribute Information

_landuse_Primary land use
Farmed Berry BlueberryPresence of blueberries.
Farmed Berry Cane BerryPresence of managed cane berries (i.e., blackberries/raspberries) or trellising structures that indicate active management
Farmed Berry StrawberryPresence of strawberries.
Farmed Commercial Cut FlowerPresence of annual or perennial flowers. Flowers interspersed with vegetables will be classified as “Farmed Vegetable”
Farmed Commercial NurseryPresence of commercial plants to be sold for ornamental, landscape, or garden purposes. Because some nurseries often are all paved or are gravel, we did not always delineate “Farm Road” within a nursery.
Farmed Commercial Tree FarmPresence of a tree farm (i.e., poplar plantation, Christmas trees). The notes field should include specifics about the tree operation
Farmed Commercial TurfgrassPresence of sod far (includes fields with sod as well as exposed mineral soil from harvested portions of the farm).
Farmed Feed CornStand-alone corn field use for grain and silage (corn plots interspersed with row-crop vegetables and apparently grown for human consumption is classified as “Farmed Vegetable Sweet Corn”.
Farmed Hay/SilageGrassland or field where there are no signs of recent/ongoing livestock use but is being cut/managed for hay/silage (e.g., recent cutting/baling, tire rutting, manure spreading).
Farmed Livestock CattlePresence of cattle either dairy or meat. Often barbed fences
Farmed Livestock ChickenPresence of chickens.
Farmed Livestock HogPresence of hogs.
Farmed Livestock HorsePresence of horse or field management indicate horses have primary use of the field (e.g., maintained electric fencing).
Farmed Livestock Llama or AlpacaPresence of llama and/or alpaca present on field. Also, look for signage that indicates a llama or alpaca farm.
Farmed Livestock MixedPresence two different types of livestock (cattle and horses) present on the same field. It is important to note the type of livestock seen on field.
Farmed Livestock Other or UnknownEvidence of grazing, livestock feces, hay bales, etc., but no livestock on the field or species specific evidence.
Farmed Livestock Sheep or GoatPresence of sheep or goat.
Farmed Managed GrasslandGrassland or field that has evidence of maintenance (i.e. mowing lines, few invasive, short length) with no particular or compelling evidence of active livestock, hay/silage, or other agriculture/produce use.
Farmed VegetablePresence of actively managed row-crop production of vegetables.
Farmed Vegetable GrainPresence of grain (e.g., barley, oats, faro, and wheat) or grain stubble (grain still in the ground that is cut short near the stalk).
Farmed Vegetable HerbPresence of herbs (includes lavender farms).
Farmed Vegetable OrchardPresence of actively managed orchard tree (e.g., recent pruning, understory is maintained, insignificant amount of unharvested fruit on the ground.
Farmed Vegetable Sweet CornPresence of corn stalks that is not associated with any recreational activities (corn maze) on a relatively small field.
Farmed Vegetable UnknownFarmed Vegetable Unknown
Farmed Vegetable VineyardPresence of managed grapevines and/or trellising structures that indicate active management of same.
Unfarmable Forested or UplandPresence of forest, typically continuous multi-parcel tracts of trees; small, isolated groves not included.
Unfarmable LandscapingAn area surrounding the primary residence that looks like a lawn or manicured space not for agriculture. Does not necessarily need to have ornamental plant species. Includes tennis courts, pools, walkways, driveways and other personal residential recreation.
Unfarmable Marsh or WetlandPresence of marsh or wetland, etc. No evidence of recent agricultural use and no reasonable options to return sie to production.
Unfarmable Restoration Area An area intentionally planted for the purpose of enhancement or reinvigoration of forest, wetland, or riparian habitat. Look for newly planted native plants and fast growing trees such as alders as well as other restoration practices such as mulch rings.
Unfarmable Riparian BufferAn area or strip of brush, forest, tall grass, or other plants used to separate rivers or large streams from agricultural land. Minimum 15ft width to draw a polygon or
Unfarmable Sports or RecreationAn area used for sports or recreation. This includes but is not limited to Soccer, Baseball, Football, and other sports fields as well as misc. Uses such as dirt bike tracks or any dog facilities (kennels, agility courses) are also to be placed in this classification.
Unfarmable Topsoil ProductionPresence of topsoil production or composting operation.
Unfarmed Extensive StorageAn area used for storage of multiple derelict machines, boats, trucks, cars, shipping containers, stockpiles, etc. that is not in active agricultural use, often indicated by bushes or tall grasses in addition to being in the same location throughout different years. If it has cement, pavement, or gravel it is not unfarmed category, rather it is a heavy use or landscape area (see Infrastructure, see landscaping).
Unfarmed Idle CroplandAn area previously used for crops that has been unfarmed for at least three years or more.
Unfarmed Idle InvasiveAn area unfarmed for at least three years with a strong presence of invasive species.
Unfarmed Idle LivestockAn area with historic livestock use and/or infrastructure that has been unfarmed for three or more years (includes all livestock and equestrian). Often has dilapidated structures, unmanaged grass or invasive, and no sign of livestock or livestock impacts (dung, flattened grass patches, hay/haylige on parcel).
Unfarmed Idle OrchardAn orchard that has not been farmed for at least three years. Trees are consistently unpruned, grass under trees is not mowed during bulk of fruit harvest season.
Unfarmed Idle UnknownAn area unfarmed for three years or more with an unknown crop type or an agricultural use not listed in other Unfarmed Idle categories.
Unfarmed Reed Canary GrassAn area unfarmed for three years or more with a strong presence of Reed Canary Grass.
Unfarmed Seasonal Wet Patch An area that is unfarmed for three years or more due to a seasonal wet area. Note that the boundaries for most of these wet patches were saved in a separate dataset since they coincide with another use.
Unfarmed Too Wet An area unfarmed for three years or more consistently too wet to farm.
Unfarmed Unmanaged GrasslandAn area that has evidence of inactive farming for three or more years with strong presence of overgrown grass or other plant species.
_LU_type_Land Use Type; based on land use, grouped into 4 types.
Farmed FoodPresence and/or evidence of farming activity and that agricultural land is in food production.
Farmed Not FoodPresence and/or evidence of farming activity and that agricultural land is not in food production.
UnfarmableLand that is unlikely to be farmed.
UnfarmedLand that could be farmed, or has been farmed in the past, that is currently not farmed.
_DataSource_Method for determining land use category and boundary.
Aerial ImageryAerial Imagery
Field Data CollectionField Data Collection
_GIS_Acres_Acres calculated using boundary in GIS
Range Min:0.00662557
Range Max:270.89182268
_APD_name_Name of Agricultural Production District, or else value is "Outside of APD"Name of APD


Access: Access Constraint: Data is not available on GIS Data Portal, it may be available via a custom data request

Use: Use Constraint: King County data are made available with the understanding that they shall be used exclusively by the obtainer or his/her authorized agents. Digital products may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or by any means without the express written authorization of King County.