King County GIS Center
King Street Center
201 S. Jackson St.
Suite 706
Seattle, WA 98104

+ 47.59909 N
- 122.33136 W

+ 47°  35' 56.72"
- 122° 19' 52.90"


Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas

Description | Contacts | Attribute Information | Constraints

Data layer thumbnail image


Layer name: CARA
Subject category: enviro
Title: Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
Feature Count: 0
Feature Type: Polygon
Abstract: Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
Purpose: Developed as part of King County proposed amendments to it's Critical Areas Ordinance; it took effect on 01/01/2005. State law required KC to review and update; if necessary; its CARA provisions in order to ensure that the county's regulations are adequately protecting aquifers that are used to supply drinking water and sustain King County's natural water systems. Incorporated areas have been excluded from this layer intentionally, as this layer represents a unique land use standard defined only for unicorporated County areas. The following data was used in the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Analysis: ASGWC [recently updated] Areas Susceptible to Groundwater Contaminati sdh_tot5yr (utility_ext) filtered on "king" in the county field sdh_tot10yr (utility_ext) filtered on "king" in the county field KCWPHA_1yr (utility) filtered on "HG" in the WHPA field sole_source (attached in this e-mail) Sole aquifer data from EPA is in SDW.
Status: Complete
Updated: As needed
Time period of content: (single date,as YYYYMMDD)::
Time period of content: (date range, as YYYYMMDD):: -
Spatial reference: WA State Plane North
FGDC Documentation: Classic or FAQ
Open Data Availability: Yes
Place Keywords: King County, WA, Pacific NW, Washington State,
Theme Keywords: groundwater, aquifer, enviro, regulatory,
Lineage: Available
Supplemental Information: Link to King County Critical Area home page: Link to the King County Critical Area Ordinance User's Manual for the CARA: Link to King County Best Available Science paper for the CARA: Washington State Department of Health Well Head Protection Area and Sole Source aquifer data can be downloaded:


Maintained by:
King County Dept. of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Lands Resources Division
Primary: Ken Rauscher, Senior GIS Analyst, 206-296-1922
(How to e-mail a County contact)
Secondary: KCGIS Center; This mailbox is monitored during business hours.

Attribute Information

_ACRES_Acres as measured by GIS.
Range Min:1.00372
Range Max:19940.28724
_CAT_CODE_Critical Aquifer Recharge Area codes
CARA IAreas of unincorporated KC that have 'H'- ASGWC within a sole source area
CARA IIAreas of unincorporated KC that have a 'M' - ASGWC within a sole source area
CARA IIIAreas of Vashon-Maury Island not already CARA I or II


Access: None

Use: King County data are made available with the understanding that they shall be used exclusively by the obtainer or his/her authorized agents. Digital products may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or by any means without the express written authorization of King County. The King County susceptibility layer was based on best information available to the County and best judgment of the persons interpreting that information for the County at the point in time when it was collected and analyzed. The actual susceptibility of any area may differ from the representation found on the King County susceptibility layer. Data users should recognize this limitation and make provisions to consider other interpretations in the data in their planning and regulatory processes.