Item | Description | Domain |
_MAJOR | _First six characters of the parcel identification number (PIN). | Six character code derived from PLSS or plat number. eg 092503 for section 9 in township 25, range 3 |
_MINOR | _Last four characters of the parcel identification number (PIN). | Special, platted or unplatted number |
_PIN | _Parcel Identification Number | Ten character concatenation of the Major and Minor field |
_UNITTYPE | _Unit type | 1 | Flat | 2 | Townshouse | 3 | Penthouse, flat | 4 | Penthouse, townhouse | 5 | Parking | 6 | Storage | 7 | Dock | 8 | Moorage, open | 9 | Land only | 10 | Leased land | 11 | Development rights | 12 | Unassigned parking | 13 | Unassigned storage | 14 | Unassigned moorage, open | 15 | Floating home, flat | 16 | Mobile home | 17 | Marina | 18 | Hotel | 19 | Warehouse | 20 | Hanger | 21 | Retail | 22 | Office | 23 | Other commercial | 24 | Moorage, covered | 25 | Unassigned moorage, covered | 26 | Floating home, townshouse |
_BLDGNUM | _Building number | |
_UNITNUM | _Unit number | |
_PCTOWNERSHIP | _Percent ownership | Range Min: | 0.0000 | Range Max: | 100.0000 |
_UNITQUALITY | _Unit quality | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Average | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_UNITLOCATION | _Unit location | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Standard | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_FLRNUM | _Floor number | |
_TOPFLR | _Top floor | |
_UNITOFMEASURE | _Unit of measure | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Square Foot | 2 | Linear Foot |
_FT | _Footage | Range Min: | 0 | Range Max: | 1091084 |
_NUMBEDS | _Number bedrooms | |
_BATHFULL | _Number of full bathrooms | |
_BATHHALF | _Number of half bathrooms | |
_BATH3QTR | _Number of three quarter bathrooms | |
_FIREPLACE | _Fireplace | |
_ENDUNIT | _End unit | |
_OTHRM | _Other room | |
_VWMT | _Mountain view | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Average | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_VWLAKERIVER | _Lake or river view | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Average | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_VWCITYTERR | _City or territorial veiw | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Average | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_VWPS | _Puget Sound view | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Average | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_VWLAKEWASAMM | _Lake Washington or Lake Sammamish view | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Fair | 2 | Average | 3 | Good | 4 | Excellent |
_PARKOPEN | _Open parking | |
_PARKCARPORT | _Carport parking | |
_PARKOTHER | _Other type of parking | |
_PRKBSMT | _ |
_PRKGAR | _ |
_MOBHOMELENGTH | _Length of mobile home | |
_MOBHOMEWTH | _Width of mobile home | 0 | | 12 | | 14 | | 20 | | 22 | | 24 | | 25 | | 26 | | 27 | | 28 | | 29 | | 30 | | 34 | | 36 | |
_MOBHOMEYRBLT | _Year mobile home was built | Range Min: | 0 | Range Max: | 2006 |
_MOBHOMEGR | _Grade of mobile home | 0 | Unknown | 1 | Poor | 2 | Fair | 3 | Average | 4 | Good | 5 | Very good | 6 | Excellent |
_MOBHOMEDESC | _Description of mobile home | |
_PERPROPACTNUM | _Personal property account number. May be present when the unit is personal property. | May be present when the unit is personal property |
_ZIPCODE | _ |