Item | Description | Domain |
_AssetID | _Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. | Unique IDs. |
_DBAssetID | _Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Similar to AssetID, but with "FPS-" prefix. | Unique IDs. |
_InfrastructureDBAssetID | _Unique ID for records in the Conv_Closed (pipes and ditches) feature class that are associated with the most downstream asset in the conveyance system. | Unique IDs. |
_WDFWID | _Unique ID from from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife fish passage inventory. | Unique IDs. |
_RoadsWorkOrderID | _Work Order ID from the Roads Services Divion "Roadworks" asset management system. | Unique IDs. |
_FishPassageFeatureTypeCode | _Site feature type | 1 | Culvert | 3 | Dam | 8 | Driveway Culvert | 5 | Natural | 2 | Non-Culvert Xing | 7 | Not Applicable | 4 | Other | 6 | Piped System |
_FishPresent | _Indicates whether salmonids are observed during a site visit | |
_FishUse | _Indicates whether or not a stream has potential to support fish. This includes both anadromous fish and resident fish. | |
_FishUseCriteriaCode | _Basis for the fish use determination. | 11 | Biological: Definition of code value [11] in CVD fp_fishusecriteria | 13 | Mapped: Definition of code value [13] in CVD fp_fishusecriteria | 10 | Other: Definition of code value [10] in CVD fp_fishusecriteria | 12 | Physical: Definition of code value [12] in CVD fp_fishusecriteria |
_AnadromousFishAccess | _Indicates if the site is accessible to anadromous fish species based on total natural barriers. | |
_PotentialSpecies | _Salmonid species likely to use the habitat or historically may have used the habitat.
_FishPassageBarrierStatusCode | _Indicates if the site is a fish passage barrier or not. | |
_PercentFishPassability | _Degree of fish passage barrier expressed as a percentage of totally passable. | 10 | 0 - Total Barrier | 40 | 100 - Not a Barrier | 20 | 33 - Severe Partial Barrier | 30 | 67 - Less Severe Partial Barrier | 0 | N/A | 99 | Unknown |
_BarrierType | _Indicates the type of barrier that makes the site impassable OR used to explain why Fish Passage Barrier is Unknown. | 43 | Control Inaccessible | 32 | Debris | 21 | Depth | 45 | Engineer Review Required | 34 | Failed | 44 | Grade Break | 53 | Gradient | 41 | Insufficient Data | 40 | Level B Required | 0 | N/A | 31 | Other | 52 | Rack | 11 | Slope | 46 | Streambed Material | 42 | Tidal Influence | 30 | Tidegate | 33 | Undersized | 51 | Unspecified | 20 | Velocity | 10 | WS Drop |
_AssesmentMethod | _Assessment method that is the basis for barrier determination. | Level A | Level A assessment | Level B | Level B assessment | Fishway | Fishway assessment | Other | Other assessment | Professional Judgement | Professional Judgement |
_FloodingImpactsToRoad | _Indicates if there are obvious flooding impacts to the road. | |
_PollutionIndicator | _Indicates if there are any obvious indications of pollution. | Color | Color | Floatables | Floatables | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Odor | Odor | Other | Other (Describe in notes) | Poor standing water quality | Poor standing water quality | Stain | Stain | Turbidity | Turbidity | Vegetation | Vegetation |
_TotalPipedLength_ft | _Total length of stream that’s piped in Piped Systems. | Range Min: | 2.5 | Range Max: | 2200.0 |
_USPermission | _ |
_DSPermission | _ |
_StreamName | _Identifies what stream the site is located on. | Large list of stream names. |
_TributaryToName | _Identifies the larger stream or body of water that the Stream from Stream Name leads into. | Large list of stream names. |
_OwnerEntity | _Indicates which division or other entity owns or would be responsible for replacing the asset at the site. | Federal Govt Agency | Federal Govt Agency (Covers all federal departments and agencies) | FMD BOS | FMD Building Operations Services | FMD RES | FMD Real Estate Services | Incorporation | Incorporation | Airport | KC DES - Airport (KCIA) | FMD | KC DES - Facilities Management Division | Roads | KC DLS - Road Services Division | Parks | KC DNRP - Park Division | SWD | KC DNRP - Solid Waste Division | WTD | KC DNRP - Waste Water Treatment Division | WLRD | KC DNRP - Water and Land Resources Division | Transit | KC Metro Transit Department | Other Public Agency | Other Public Agency | Private | Private | State Govt Agency | State Govt Agency (Covers all state departments and agencies) | TBD | TBD |
_InspectionStatus | _Indicates the inspection status of the site. | Assessment Needed | Assessment Needed | Assessment Not Needed | Assessment Not Needed | Engineer Review Needed | Engineer Review Needed | Level A and Level B Complete | Level A and Level B Complete | Level A Complete Level B Needed | Level A Complete Level B Needed | Level A Complete Level B Not Needed | Level A Complete Level B Not Needed | Level A Complete Other Assessment Needed | Level A Complete Other Assessment Needed | Other Assessment Complete | Other Assessment Complete | Other Assessment Needed | Other Assessment Needed |
_NoAssessmentReason | _Indicates why Assessment Not Needed was selected for Inspection Status | Above Dam | Above Dam | Above Natural Barrier | Above Total Natural Barrier | Access Denied | Access Denied | Duplicate Point | Duplicate Point | Inspected Within Last 5 Years | Inspected Within Last 5 Years | No Crossing | No Crossing | No Stream | No Stream | No Stream and No Crossing | No Stream and No Crossing | Non-Fish-Bearing Stream | Non-Fish-Bearing Stream | Not KC-Owned | Not KC-Owned | Seep or Groundwater Drainage | Seep or Groundwater Drainage | Subsurface Stream | Subsurface Stream | Reviewed with LiDAR | Staff reviewed the site in the office using LiDAR and determined that a visit was not needed. |
_CurrentStatus | _Indicates the status of the site in relation to the database. | Abandoned | Abandoned | Active | Active | Bond | Bond | Delete | Data Entry Error | Pending | Pending | Removed | Removed | Retired | Retired |
_Revisit | _Indicates why the field team would need to return to a Fish Passage Site. | Access | Access | Brush Clearing | Brush Clearing | Debris | Debris | Flooded | Flooded | Flowmeter Needed | Flowmeter Needed | Mapping Needed | Mapping Needed | Multiple Teams | Multiple Teams | Other | Other - See Notes |
_DataStage | _Indicates which stage of collection and approval the site is in. | Acquire | Acquire: Data still needs to be collected for the site | Approved | Approved: Data has been QCd by trained staff. | Engineer Review | Engineer Review: Advanced engineer review required to determine barrier status of the site | Field Review | Field Review: Issues have been identified during the QC process and the site needs to be revisited OR the site needs to be revisited in the field – mark reason in the Revisit field | Office Review | Office Review: Field data has been collected and needs to be peer reviewed in the office OR issues have been identified during QC process that need to be relooked at in the office | Process | Process Level B: Level B data needs to be run through tools to determine passability. | QC | QC: All data has been collected and data has been office reviewed, but needs to go through final QC check |
_AssignedTo | _ |
_Priority | _ |
_Notes | _A field for all other notes not captured by any of the other fields that gives more understanding of a site. |
_LoadedBy | _ |
_LoadDate | _ |
_FieldVisitedBy | _Indicates the individuals on the field crew that visited the site. |
_FieldVisitDate | _Indicates the most recent date the crossing has been field visited. |
_InspectedDate | _Indicates the most recent date the crossing has been inspected. |
_InspectedBy | _Indicates the individuals on the field crew that inspected the site. |
_OfficeReviewBy | _ |
_ApprovedBy | _ |
_ApprovedDate | _ |
_LastEditBy | _ |
_LastEditDate | _Indicates the most recent date the crossing has been edited. |
_ReviewNotes | _Notes pertaining to the QA/QC process |
_QCFlag | _ |
_WDFWReportLink | _Link URL to the site inspection report hosted by WDFW. |
_PAA | _ |
_TMDL | _ |
_LDW | _ |
_HDRS | _ |
_WRIA | _Watershed Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) in which the site resides. | 0 | None | 1 | WRIA 1 | 5 | WRIA 5 | 7 | WRIA 7 | 8 | WRIA 8 | 9 | WRIA 9 | 10 | WRIA 10 |
_HUC12Basin | _The watershed boundary dataset hydraulic unit 12 basin that the site resides in. |
_ChinookSWIFD | _The status of Chinnok salmon from the Statewide Integrated Fish Distribution dataset. | Artificial - Documented | Artificial - Documented | Artificial - Presumed | Artificial - Presumed | Documented | Documented | Gradient Accessible | Gradient Accessible | Historic - Documented | Historic - Documented | No Gradient Barrier | No Gradient Barrier | Potential | Potential | Presumed | Presumed | Transported - Documented | Transported - Documented | Transported - Presumed | Transported - Presumed |
_SiteLatitude | _Latitude of site point. | Range Min: | 46.87308915 | Range Max: | 248990.237053 |
_SiteLongitude | _Longitude of site point. | Range Min: | -122.52343502 | Range Max: | 1345430.41863 |
_PublicMapDisplay | _ |
_AboveNaturalBarrier | _Indicates if the site is above a total natural barrier. |
_AnalysisSource | _ |
_InventoryArea | _Sub-areas of the county used for dividing up inspection duties and priority |
_BarrierCorrectionTypeCode | _Type of correction or repair that has occurred at a site. | 1 | Culvert removed crossing abandoned | 2 | Culvert replaced with bridge | 3 | Culvert replaced with culvert | 4 | Culvert retrofitted with fishway | 5 | Dam removal | 6 | Dam retrofitted with fishway | 7 | Fishway rebuild | 8 | Other | 9 | Tidegate removed |
_BarrierCorrectionYearsText | _Year of most recent barrier correction action. |
_PrioritizationCategory | _Indicates various categories for special groups of barriers. | Unnecessary Crossing | Unnecessary Crossing | WSDOT 21 to 23 Draft | WSDOT 21 to 23 Draft | Best Fix Implemented | The best barrier correction available was performed. Despite this, the site may still be a barrier. |
_USNetworkStatus | _ |
_DSNetworkStatus | _ |
_ZeroCohoIPUpstream | _Coho IP segments are unmapped above the site, despite the fact their is salmon habitat above the site. | |
_MostDownstreamKCBarrier | _Indicates if a barrier is the most downstream King County-owned barrier on a stream system. | |
_OverallScore | _Summation of all prioritization sub-score values. |
_BarrierPassabilityScore | _ |
_DownstreamBarrierScore | _Prioritization sub-score metric that is derived from the number and percent passability of barriers downstream of the site. |
_CountDSBarriers_All | _Count of all barriers downstream of the site. |
_CountDSBarriers_0 | _Count of all complete barriers downstream of site. |
_CountDSBarriers_33 | _Count of all severe partial barriers downstream of site. |
_CountDSBarriers_67 | _Count of all less severe partial barriers downstream of site. |
_CountDSBarriers_Unknown | _Count of all barriers with unknown passability downstream of site. |
_UpstreamBarrierScore | _ |
_CountUSBarriers_All | _ |
_CountUSBarriers_0 | _ |
_CountUSBarriers_33 | _ |
_CountUSBarriers_67 | _ |
_CountUSBarriers_Unknown | _ |
_HabitatQuantityScore_NHD | _ |
_TotalNHDNetworkLength_ft | _ |
_HabitatQuantityScore | _Score based on the habitat quantity distance value, range standardized and then adjusted to a maximum value. |
_HabitatQuantityValue | _A sum of all of the Coho intrinsic potential segment scores upstream of the site. | Range Min: | 0.0 | Range Max: | 512.7 |
_HabitatQuantityDistance | _Summed distance of Coho intrinsic potential segments intersecting the site's watershed. | Range Min: | 0.0 | Range Max: | 562107.20694 |
_HabQuantNextKCBarrierDistance | _Distance to the next county owned barrier upstream of the site. | Range Min: | 0.0 | Range Max: | 422299.356978 |
_HabQuantNextKCBarrierValue | _Sum of Coho intrinsic potential segment scores, up to the next county owned barrier upstream of the site. | Range Min: | 0.0 | Range Max: | 386.2 |
_HabQuantNextKCBarrierScore | _Score based on the sum of Coho intrinsic potential segment scores, up to the next county owned barrier upstream of the site. |
_USBarriersInWshd | _Count of all barriers in the site's watershed, regardless of ownership. |
_HabitatQualityScore | _ |
_HabitatQualityValue | _ |
_USBarrierDensityValue | _Barrier density calculated by taking the number of all barriers upstream and dividing by the site watershed's area. |
_USBarrierDensityScore | _Score derived by range standardizing the upstream barrier density value and adjusting to a maximum score. |
_PercentForestScore | _Score based on the percent of forest cover within the site watershed. |
_PercentForestValue | _Percent of forest cover within the site watershed. | Range Min: | 0.02039827 | Range Max: | 100.0 |
_PercentImperviousScore | _Score based on the percent of impervious cover within the site watershed. |
_PercentImperviousValue | _Percent of impervious cover within the site watershed. | Range Min: | 0.0 | Range Max: | 65.44166667 |
_BarrierCluster | _Indicates if the site is part of a barrier cluster, or upstream of barrier cluster. |
_ChinookPotential | _Indicates if the stream is potential Chinook salmon habitat. |
_PrioritizationNotes | _Notes pertaining to prioritization of barrier removal. |
_EstimatedCompletionDate | _Estimated date that construction will be completed by. |
_EstimatedCost | _Estimated cost of the project. |
_GlobalID | _Unique ID assigned by ArcGIS. | UNREPRESENTED DOMAIN |
_FishStockScore | _ |
_FishStockValue | _ |
_PrioritizationOne | _ |
_PrioritizationTwo | _ |
_HabQuantNextBarrierDistance | _Habitat quantity distance to the next barrier (any owner) |