King County GIS Center
King Street Center
201 S. Jackson St.
Suite 706
Seattle, WA 98104

+ 47.59909 N
- 122.33136 W

+ 47°  35' 56.72"
- 122° 19' 52.90"


Landmark Alias in King County

Description | Contacts | Attribute Information | Constraints

Data layer thumbnail image


Subject category: transportation
Title: Landmark Alias in King County
Feature Count:
Feature Type: Table
Abstract: Alternative names for landmarks in the Landmark layer.
Purpose: Accommodates names in common usage, condensed versions of names, or acronyms as alternatives for the formal names to increase ease of use of the Automated Travel Information System (ATIS) and the online Trip Planner. A landmark can have more than one alias.
Status: Complete
Updated: As needed
Time period of content: (single date,as YYYYMMDD):: 20121213
Time period of content: (date range, as YYYYMMDD):: -
Spatial reference: WA State Plane North
FGDC Documentation: Classic or FAQ
Open Data Availability: Yes
Place Keywords: Pacific NW, King County, WA, Washington state,
Theme Keywords: landmark alias, landmarks, landmark,
Lineage: Available
Supplemental Information: None


Maintained by:
King County Dept. of Transportation, Metro Transit Division, GIS Group
Primary: Trang Bui, DBA/GIS Analyst, 206-684-2118
(How to e-mail a County contact)
Secondary: KCGIS Center; This mailbox is monitored during business hours.

Attribute Information

_NAME_Landmark name as shown in Landmark layer
Airport/Spokane P&R
Albert Einstein Middle School
Alder Square Health Center
All Saints Lutheran Church
Animal Control - Kent
Animal Control - Redmond
Auburn Garage at Auburn Station
Auburn General Hospital
Auburn Municipal Court
Auburn Sounder Station
Auburn Surface Lot at Auburn Station
Aurora Village Transit Center
Ballard Community Hospital
Bellevue Art Museum
Bellevue Community College
Bellevue QFC
Bellevue Square
Bellevue Transit Center
Boeing Field King County-International
Brickyard Road P&R
Burien Transit Center
Burke Memorial Museum
Calvary Christian Assembly Church
Cascadia Community College
Center Monorail Terminal
Center Park Council
Central Business District NH
Charles A Lindbergh High School
Chateau Ste Michelle Winery
Citizenship & Immigration Service
Community Bible Fellowship
Convention Place Tunnel Station
Department of Licensing Kent
Department of Licensing-Auburn
Department of Licensing-Bellevue
Department of Licensing-Burien
Department of Licensing-Federal Way
Department of Licensing-Greenwood
Department of Licensing-Kirkland
Department of Licensing-North Bend
Department of Licensing-North District
Department of Licensing-Renton
Department of Licensing-Seattle
Department of Licensing-West Seattle
District Court - Aukeen
District Court - Bellevue
District Court - Issaquah
District Court - Mercer Island
District Court - Northeast
District Court - Renton
District Court - Shoreline
District Court - Southwest
Eastside Hospital
Edmonds Station
Employment Security Dept - Ballard
Employment Security Dept - Bellevue
Employment Security Dept - Belltown
Employment Security Dept - Burien
Employment Security Dept - Lake City
Employment Security Dept - North Seattle
Employment Security Dept - Rainier
Employment Security Dept - Renton
Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal
Federal Bldg, Henry M Jackson
Federal Way Municipal Court
Federal Way Transit Center
Federal Way/S 320th St P&R
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Great Northwest Factory Stores
Green Lake Park
Green Lake Park West
Green River Community College
Group Health - 521 Wall
Group Health - 1730 Minor
Group Health - Bothell
Group Health - Burien
Group Health - Central Co-op Hospital
Group Health - Downtown Seattle
Group Health - Eastside Hospital
Group Health - Factoria
Group Health - Federal Way
Group Health - Northgate
Group Health - Rainier
Group Health - Redmond
Group Health - Renton
Health Center - Downtown Seattle
Health Center - East District
Health Center - Federal Way
Health Center - Northshore
Health Service Center - Auburn
Health Service Center - Central
Health Service Center - Columbia City
Health Service Center - East
Health Service Center - Federal Way
Health Service Center - North
Health Service Center - Southeast
Health Service Center - Southwest
Highline Community College
Hiram M Chittenden Locks
Husky Stadium
I-5/NE 65th St./Green Lake (S)
Indian Cultural Center
Internal Revenue Service
International District Library
International District TS
Issaquah Highlands P & R
Juvenile Court & Youth Center
Kent Garage at Kent Station (ST)
Kent Sounder Station
Kent Surface Lot at Kent Station (ST)
Kent/Des Moines P&R (KC)
Key Tower
King County Administration Bldg
King County Adult Correctional Facility
King County Courthouse
King County Fairgrounds
King Street Center
Kirkland Parkplace
Kirkland Transit Center
Klahanie #1
Lake Washington Technical College
Lowery C 'Pops' Mounger Pool
McCaw Hall
Mercer, Asa Middle School
Microsoft Corporation-Issaquah
Microsoft Corporation-Redmond
Museum of Flight
Museum of History and Industry
New Life Church @ Renton
Newport Hills Community Church
North Seattle Community College
Northgate Mall Totem Pole
Northgate Mall East
Northgate Mall West
Northgate North Garage
Northgate P&R (KC)
Northgate TC Extension (KC)
Northgate Transit Center
Northgate Village
Northwest Hospital
Northwest Kidney Center
Northwest Medical Bldg
Northwest University
Ober Park Annex (Vashon Parks Dept)
Olson Pl SW/Myers Way P&R
Overlake TC at NE 40th St
Overlake Transit Center
Pacific Medical Center - Central
Pacific Medical Center - North
Pacific Medical Center - South
Pacific Science Center
Peasley Canyon Rd/West Valley Hwy
Pier 5
Pier 18
Pier 37
Pier 42
Pier 46
Pier 56
Pier 62
Pier 86
Pier 88
Pier 89
Pier 90
Pier 91
Pier 102
Pier 105
Pier 106
Pier 107
Pier 115
Pier 128
Pioneer Square TS
Post Office - Central
Post Office - Terminal Station
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Providence Medical Center
Regional Justice Center
Renton P&R (KC)
Renton Technical College
Renton Transit Center
S Mercer Center LLC @ Mercer Island QFC
School District Facility
Sea-Tac Airport
Seahawk Stadium
Seatac Mall
SeaTac Municipal Court
Seattle Alternative High School
Seattle Animal Shelter
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Asian Art Museum
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Seattle Central Community College
Seattle Design Center
Seattle Housing Authority
Seattle International Trade Center
Seattle Municipal Court
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle Repertory Theater
Seattle Sounder Station South
Seattle University
Shoreline Community College
Social Security Office - Bellevue
Social Security Office - Burien
Social Security Office - Downtown
Social Security Office - Kent
Social Security Office - North Seattle
Social Security Office - South Seattle
Social Security Office - West Seattle
South Bellevue P&R
South Kirkland P&R
South Sammamish P & R
South Seattle Community College
Southwest District Service Center
Springwood Health Center
SR 18/Auburn- Black Diamond Rd
St. Columba's Episcopal Church
St. Luke's Lutheran Church
Stadium Exhibition Center
Sunrise United Methodist Church
Super Mall of the Great Northwest
Swedish Medical Center
Tahlequah (Vashon Island)
Terminal 25
Terminal 30
Terminal 108
Thomas Jefferson High School
Tibbetts Lot
Tibbetts Valley Park
Tukwila Interurban Investment
Tukwila P&R (KC)
Tukwila Sounder Station
Tukwila Surface Lot at Tukwila Station
University of Washington Bothell
University of Washington HUB
University of Washington Medical Center
University TS
University Village
Vashon Ferry Terminal
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
WA State Convention & Trade Center
Washington Park Arboretum
Washington State Ferries
Welfare - Auburn
Welfare - Ballard
Welfare - Belltown
Welfare - Federal Way
Welfare - Kent
Welfare - North
Welfare - Rainier Valley
Welfare - Renton
Welfare - White Center Multiservice Ctr
West Seattle High School
West Seattle Junction
Westlake TS
Wild Waves Water Park
_LANDMARK_ALIAS_Alternate name for landmark
Airport King Co.
Airport SeaTac
Airport Spokane P&R
Alaska Junction
Alder Square HC
All Saints Lutheran Church P&R
Amtrak Edmonds
Asa Mercer Middle School
Auburn HSC
Auburn Regional Medical Center
Auburn Station
Auburn Station Garage P&R
Auburn Station Surface Lot P&R
Bagley Wright Theater
Ballard Locks
Bank of America Arena
Bartell Drugs-Bellevue Village
Bel Square
Brickyard P&R
Burke Museum
Calvary Christian Assembly Church P&R
Center House
Central HSC
Chinatown Library
Cleveland Interim HS
Colman Dock
Columbia City HSC
Commons at Federal Way
Community Bible Fellowship P&R
Convention Center
Convention Place Station
Convention Place TS
Court Auburn
Court Auburn Muni
Court Aukeen
Court Bellevue
Court Federal Way Municipal
Court Issaquah
Court KC
Court MI
Court NE
Court Renton
Court SeaTac
Court SeaTac Muni
Court Seattle Muni
Court Shoreline
Court SW
Daybreak Star Center
DOL Bellevue
DOL Burien
DOL Fed Wy
DOL Greenwood
DOL Kent
DOL Kirkland
DOL N Bend
DOL North
DOL Renton
DOL Seattle
DOL W Seattle
Downtown Seattle HC
DSHS Auburn
DSHS Ballard
DSHS Belltown
DSHS Burien
DSHS Eastside
DSHS Federal Way
DSHS North
DSHS Rainier
DSHS Renton
DSHS White Center
East District HC
East HSC
Einstein Middle School
Enchanted Village
Evans Pool
Experience Music Project
Federal Bldg
Federal Way HC
Federal Way HSC
Ferry Terminal Fauntleroy
Ferry Terminal Seattle
Ferry Terminal Vashon
Fred Hutchinson Outpatient Clinic
GH 521 Wall
GH 1730 Minor
GH Bothell
GH Burien
GH Central
GH Downtown Seattle
GH Eastside
GH Factoria
GH Federal Way
GH Northgate
GH Rainier
GH Redmond
GH Renton
Grain Terminal
Green Lake Boathouse
Green Lake P&R
Hosp Ballard Swedish
Hosp Eastside
Hosp UW
Hosp VA
I-5/NE 65th St. Green Lake P&R
Interim Cleveland HS
International District Station
International District Tunnel Station
Issaquah Highlands P&R
Jefferson High School
Juvenile Hall
KC Admin
KC Fairgrounds
Kent Des Moines P&R
Kent Station
Kent Station Garage P&R
Kent Station Surface Lot P&R
Kent Transit Center
Key Arena
Kidney Center
King County Jail
King County Superior Court Kent
King County Superior Court Seattle
King Street Station
Kirkland Park Place
Klahanie #1 P&R
Lindbergh High School
Marion Oliver McCaw Hall
Marshall Alternative High School
Mercer Middle School
Mounger Pool
MS Issaquah
MS Redmond
New Life Church at Renton P&R
Newport Hills Community Church P&R
NG Mall East Side
NG Mall West Side
NG Totem Pole
NG Village
North HSC
Northgate North Garage P&R
Northgate P&R
Northgate Transit Center East P&R
Northshore HC
Northwest Rooms
NW Factory Stores
NW Hospital
NW Medical Bldg
Ober Park Annex P&R
Olson Myers P&R
Olson Place/Myers Way P&R
Overlake Transit Center P&R
Pac Med Central
Pac Med North
Pac Med South
Peasley Canyon Rd/West Valley Hwy P&R
Pier 25
Pier 30
Pier 57
Pier 63
Pier 108
Pioneer Square Station
Pioneer Square Tunnel Station
PO Central
PO Terminal Station
Pound Kent
Pound Redmond
Pound Seattle
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church P&R
Qwest Field
Qwest Field Event Center
Renton Transit Center P&R
S Bellevue P&R
S Kirkland P&R
S Mercer Island P&R
Science Center
Seahawks Stadium
SeaTac Airport
Seattle Ferry Terminal
Seattle Justice Center
Seattle Municipal Tower
Seattle Tacoma International Airport
South Mercer Island P&R
South Sammamish P&R
Southeast HSC
Southwest HSC
Springwood HC
SR 18/Auburn Black Diamond Rd P&R
SSO Bellevue
SSO Burien
SSO Kent
SSO North Seattle
SSO South Seattle
SSO West Seattle
St Michelle Winery
St. Columba's Episcopal Church P&R
St. Luke's Lutheran Church P&R
STAR Center
Sunrise United Methodist Church P&R
Super Mall
SW District Service Center
Swedish Ballard Hospital
Swedish Hospital
Swedish Medical Center Ballard
Swedish Providence Medical Center
Tahlequah P&R
Terminal 5
Terminal 18
Terminal 37
Terminal 42
Terminal 46
Terminal 86
Terminal 88
Terminal 89
Terminal 90
Terminal 91
Terminal 102
Terminal 105
Terminal 106
Terminal 107
Terminal 115
Terminal 128
Tibbetts Lot P&R
Tibbetts Valley Park P&R
Trade Center
Tukwila P&R
Tukwila South Annex P&R
Tukwila Station
Tukwila Station P&R
U Village
Unemployment Ballard
Unemployment Bellevue
Unemployment Belltown
Unemployment Burien
Unemployment Lake City
Unemployment N Seattle
Unemployment Rainier
Unemployment Renton
University Street Station
University Tunnel Station
UW Bothell
UW Hospital
VA Hospital
VA Medical Center
W Seattle High School
Welfare - Burien
Westlake Station
Westlake Tunnel Station
Woodland Park Zoo
_ENUMERATION_indicates first, second, third, fourth, or higher alias for a given Name
1first alias
2second alias
3third alias
4fourth alias


Access: None

Use: King County data are made available with the understanding that they shall be used exclusively by the obtainer or his/her authorized agents. Digital products may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or by any means without the express written authorization of King County.