King County GIS Center
King Street Center
201 S. Jackson St.
Suite 706
Seattle, WA 98104

+ 47.59909 N
- 122.33136 W

+ 47°  35' 56.72"
- 122° 19' 52.90"


PLSS Section Number (50k) Annotation Feature Class

Description | Contacts | Attribute Information | Constraints

Data layer thumbnail image


Layer name: ROADLOG_PLSS_SEC_50K
Subject category: transportation
Title: PLSS Section Number (50k) Annotation Feature Class
Feature Count: Layer files do not have a feature count since they are references to data only. See parent dataset to obtain this information.
Feature Type: Polygon
Abstract: This is an annotation feature class created for PLSS features to be used at 1:50,000 mapping scale
Purpose: To provide annotation (text) for the creation of the King County Road Index Maps
Status: Complete
Updated: Daily
Time period of content: (single date,as YYYYMMDD):: 20090501
Time period of content: (date range, as YYYYMMDD):: -
Spatial reference: WA State Plane North
FGDC Documentation: Classic or FAQ
Open Data Availability: Not Available
Place Keywords: King County,
Theme Keywords: Annotation, transportation, Road Index Maps, Roadlog, transportation,
Lineage: Available


Maintained by:
King County Department of Transportation - Road Services Division
Primary: Tamara Davis, GIS and IT Project Manager, (206) 684-2118
(How to e-mail a County contact)
Secondary: KCGIS Center; This mailbox is monitored during business hours.

Attribute Information

_FeatureID_For feature-linked annotation contains the ObjectID of the linked feature
_ZOrder_Unused at this time
_AnnotationClassID_The annotation class the annotation belongs to
_Element_BLOB field that stores symbology and text geometry
_SymbolID_The symbol in the symbol table
_Status_Whether the feature is placed or unplaced
_TextString_The text string for the feature
_FontName_The name of the font, e.g., Arial
_FontSize_The size of the font
_Bold_Boolean whether fond is bold
_Italic_Boolean whether font is italic
_Underline_Boolean whether font is underlined
_VerticalAlignment_Vertical alignment of the text - top, center,baseline, bottom
_HorizontalAlignment_Horizontal alignment of the text - left,right,center,full
_XOffset_Shifts the text position right or left
_YOffset_Shifts the text position up or down
_Angle_Rotates the text angle
_FontLeading_Adjusts the spacing between line
_WordSpacing_Adjusts the spacing between words
_CharacterWidth_Adjusts the character width
_CharacterSpacing_Adjusts the spacing between characters
_FlipAngle_Adjusts the angle at which point rotated text is flipped in place
_Override_Non-editable field maintained by ArcGIS


Access: None

Use: King County data are made available with the understanding that they shall be used exclusively by the obtainer or his/her authorized agents. Digital products may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form or by any means without the express written authorization of King County.