Sound Transit Link Light Rail StationsDescription | Contacts | Attribute Information | ConstraintsLayer name: RST_LINKSTATIONPOINTS Subject category: transportation Title: Sound Transit Link Light Rail Stations Feature Count: 25 Feature Type: Point Abstract: Contains the entire set of Central Link, University Link, North Link, and Airport Link light rail station points from Northgate Mall to SeaTac Airport. Includes the initial segment (IS) plus various alternative alignment station options in the north and south ends. Includes identification of alignment segments A-F, stations to be constructed and stations planned for construction. Also contains the entire set of Tacoma Link light rail station points from the Theater District to the Tacoma Dome. Purpose: Supports Sound Transit's Link light rail line of business function including planning, engineering design, siting, identification and assessment of impacted parcels, environmental assessment, and general mapping. Supports map display and query (in ST Map Explorer) and general mapping agency-wide. Status: Complete Updated: Annually Time period of content: (single date,as YYYYMMDD)::
20230216 Time period of content: (date range, as YYYYMMDD)::
- Spatial reference: WA State Plane North FGDC Documentation: Classic or FAQ Open Data Availability: Not Available Place Keywords: Pacific NW,
King County,
Snohomish County,
Pierce County,
Kitsap County,
Washington state,
Theme Keywords: transportation,
link light rail,
Lineage: Available
Maintained by: King County GIS Center Primary: Frank Whitman, GIS Specialist,
(206) 477-4404
(How to e-mail a County contact) Secondary: KCGIS Center; This mailbox is monitored during business hours.
Item | Description | Domain | _LINK_TYPE | _Link Light Rail Type | 1 | Central Link | 2 | Tacoma Link | 3 | North Link | 4 | Airport Link | 5 | S. 200th Extension | 6 | University Link |
| _CONTRACT | _Link Light Rail Construction Contract Number | _STATION | _Link Light Rail Station Name | Same as NAME but without 'Station' appended | _STATUS | _Link Light Rail Station Construction Status | CONST | To Be Constructed / Under Construction | DEFERRED | Construction Deferred | PLANNED | Planned / No Construction Decision Made | COMPLETE | Construction Complete | PRELIM | Preliminary Design |
| _EDITDATE | _Date when the feature was last edited. | MM/DD/YYYY | _REGIONAL_T | _Flag Designation for Identifying Regional T Facilities. | Yes | Is a Regional T Facility | No | Is not a Regional T Facility |
| _NAME | _Name of station | Same value as NAME but with 'Station' appended | _WEBSITE | _Unique website link to xml file on Sound Transit website | http;// root | _Edit_Flag | _Edit Flag | Single character | _SEGMENT_DES | _ |
Access: None Use: Please Refer to Sound Transit GIS Data DISCLAIMER for a full description of USE CONSTRAINTS. The user shall recognize the copyright claimed by the contributors of GIS data, including, but not limited to, those of RTA, jurisdictions and entities, and shall include a copyright notice in any derivative work produced for RTA. The user may use GIS data supplied by RTA to present or display information including but not limited to maps, charts and reports for RTA purposes. The user may not sell, assign, lease, sublicense, market or use for commercial purposes the data or use the data for other projects not under contract to Sound Transit without Sound Transit's written permission.