File Name | Data Type | Title | Subject Folder | Agency | Abstract |
| table | Apartment complex Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Apartment Complex Record Description |
| line | Boundary | property | KCA | Boundary contains features that can be used to graphically document the ... |
| anno | King County Cadastral Annotation - Part 1 | property | KCA | Annotation (labels) for King County cadastral data for southwestern portion of ... |
| anno | King County Cadastral Annotation - Part 2 | property | KCA | Annotation (labels) for King County cadastral data for the portion of ... |
| anno | King County Cadastral Annotation - Part 3 | property | KCA | Annotation (labels) for King County cadastral data for Vashon Island, all ... |
| area | City Levy | property | KCA | The City Levy boundaries are dissolved from the levy code layer ... |
| table | Commercial Building Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Commercial Building Record Description |
| table | Commercial Building Section Feature Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Commercial Building Section Feature Record Description |
| table | Commercial Building Section Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Commercial Building Section Record Description |
| table | Condominum complex Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Condominium Complex Record Description |
| table | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| table | Condominium Unit Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Condominium Unit Record Description |
| table | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| area | Parks Conservation Easements | property | Parks | This data set contains all the conservation easements King County Parks ... |
| table | PLIBRARY.PROPERTY.xxxx262430 | property | KCA | No Abstract |
| table | Current Zoning Codes | property | gisc | Lookup table of current zoning codes |
| area | Current Flood and Channel Migration Hazard List | property | WLR | Contains a subset of non-King County parcels adjacent to rivers identified ... |
| area | Drainage Complaints | property | WLR | Drainage complaints reported to King County Dept of Natural Resources and ... |
| area | DrainageDistricts_Area | property | KCA | The Drainage Districts layer was created from Department Of Assessments old ... |
| area | Encumbrance_Area | property | KCA | The encumbrance layer includes easements, wetlands, set backs and other features ... |
| table | Environmental Restrictions Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Environmental Restriction Record Description |
| area | F53 Parcels IW | property | WTD | Pierce County parcels for King County Wastewater Industrial Waste web application |
| area | F61 Parcels IW | property | WTD | Snohomish County parcels for King County Wastewater Industrial Waste web application |
| area | Fire Levy | property | KCA | The Fire Levy boundaries are dissolved from the levy code layer ... |
| area | Flood Elevation Projects | property | WLR | Properties with one or more structures elevated for flood mitigation with ... |
| table | maint.LEATHERSM.gp_eco_values | property | WLR | No Abstract |
| table | maint.LEATHERSM.gp_farm_values | property | WLR | No Abstract |
| table | maint.LEATHERSM.gp_flood_values | property | WLR | No Abstract |
| table | maint.LEATHERSM.gp_forest_values | property | WLR | No Abstract |
| table | maint.LEATHERSM.illegal_lab | property | dph | No Abstract |
| table | City name code look-up table | property | gisc | Lookup (relationship) table between city names and their 2 letter jurisdictional ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROPERTYTYPE in table RPSALE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PRESENTUSE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item HBUASIFVACANT in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item HBUASIMPROVED in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item COMMONPROPERTY in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SHAPE in table COMMBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item HEATSYSTEM in table RESBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PREDOMINANTUSE in table COMMBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SECTIONUSE in table COMMBLDGSECTION_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item FEATURETYPE in table COMMBLDGFEATURE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item COMPLEXTYPE in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONDOLANDTYPE in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item MOBHOMEGR in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item UNITTYPE in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item UNITQUALITY in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item UNITLOCATION in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONDITION in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item OTHRM in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item VWCITYTERR in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item VWLAKERIVER in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item VWLAKEWASAMM in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item VWMT in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item VWPS in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PARKOTHER in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CURRENTUSEDESIGNATION in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PRINCIPALUSE in table RPSALE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROPERTYCLASS in table RPSALE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item UNITOFMEASURE in table CONDOUNIT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SALEREASON in table RPSALE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item WFNTLOCATION in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item WFNTPOORQUALITY in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item WFNTBANK in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item WFNTRESTRICTEDACCESS in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item TIDELANDSHORELAND in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SITEACCESS in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item WATERSYSTEM in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SEWERSYSTEM in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CASCADES in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item LAKESAMMAMISH in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item LAKEWASHINGTON in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item MTRAINIER in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item OLYMPICS in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item OTHERVIEW in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PUGETSOUND in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SEATTLESKYLINE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SMALLLAKERIVERCREEK in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item TERRITORIAL in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item TOPOGRAPHY in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SALEINSTRUMENT in table RPSALE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item STREETSURFACE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item HEATINGSYSTEM in table COMMBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item HISTORICSITE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item SALEWARNING in table RPSALE_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item BLDGGRADE in table RESBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item FINBASEMENTGRADE in table RESBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONDITION in table APTCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONDITION in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONDITION in table RESBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item HEATSOURCE in table RESBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item LAUNDRY in table APTCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item LAUNDRY in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item RESTRICTIVESZSHAPE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROPTYPE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROPTYPE in table VACANTLOT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item TAXSTAT in table RPACCT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item TAXVALREASON in table RPACCT_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CORNERLOT in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item INADEQUATEPARKING in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONTAMINATION in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item TRAFFICNOISE in table PARCEL_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item BLDGQUALITY in table APTCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item BLDGQUALITY in table COMMBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item BLDGQUALITY in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONCLASS in table APTCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONSTRCLASS in table COMMBLDG_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item CONSTRCLASS in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROJECTLOCATION in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROJLOC in table APTCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROJAPP in table APTCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| table | Decode Table for Values in item PROJECTAPPEAL in table CONDOCOMPLEX_EXTR | property | gisc | One of 80 decode (lookup) tables within the Property Schema. This ... |
| area | KCACODE | property | KCA | King County has over 100 individual taxing districts. The overlapping districts ... |
| table | Levy Code to District Cross-Reference Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Levy code to District Cross-Reference Record Description |
| table | Record Lookup Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Lookup Record Description |
| table | Sewer System As-Built Drawings look-up table | property | dph | Sewer system as-built look-up table |
| area | Parcel | property | KCA | This layer represents the tax parcels in King County. This layer ... |
| area | Parcels for King County with Address, Property and Ownership Information | property | gisc | A parcel based layer providing an address based on spatial overlay ... |
| area | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| NA | Address Locator for PARCEL_ADDRESS_AREA | property | gisc | Address locator built using parcel_address_area. Best used if you only have ... |
| area | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| area | Present Use for KC Parcels | property | gisc | Parcels joined to PARCEL_EXTR business table on PIN. Then PARCEL_EXTR.PRESENTUSE is ... |
| table | Parcel Record Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Parcel Record Description |
| table | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| area | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| table | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| area | Parcel Sales Last 3 Years | property | gisc | Parcel sales information for the last three years taken from the ... |
| table | maint.GISC.PARCELLEGALDESC_EXTR_POST | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| table | Personal property Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Personal property Assessor extract table |
| table | Plat File Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Plat file Assessor extract table |
| area | Public Parcels in King County | property | WLR | Publicly-owned parcels derived from the SDE Feature Class parcel_address_area by selecting ... |
| area | King County Real Property | property | FMD | King County Real Property based on tax parcels |
| table | Residential Building Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Residential Building |
| area | Elevation Certificate | property | WLR | Elevation certificate is an official record from FEMA that shows new ... |
| area | Letter of Map Change (LOMC) | property | WLR | LOMC includes Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA), Letter of Map Revision ... |
| area | Rivers Property Interest Data | property | WLR | Properties where Rivers section in WLRD, DNRP has ownership in fee, ... |
| area | Rights of Way | property | KCA | This layer shows the Rights of Way polygons as they are ... |
| table | Real Property Tax Account Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Real Property Tax Account Record Description |
| table | Business table created from RPACCT_MAXBILLYR_VIEW for use in web applications to improve performance over view | property | gisc | Business table created from RPACCT_MAXBILLYR_VIEW for use in web applications to ... |
| table | No Title | property | gisc | No Abstract |
| table | Real Property Sale Record Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Real Property Sale Record Description |
| table | Tabular view relating Assessor extract table RPSALE_EXTR and LOOKUP_EXTR | property | gisc | Tabular view that uses descriptive information in LOOKUP_EXTR table to expand ... |
| area | School Levy | property | KCA | The School Levy boundaries are dissolved from the levy code layer ... |
| point | Solid Waste Facilities | property | swd | King County Solid Waste facilities points. |
| area | Solid Waste Properties | property | swd | King County Solid Waste facility properties. |
| area | Surface water management (SWM) fee | property | WLR | King County is required by state and federal law to provide ... |
| table | Vacant lot Assessor extract table | property | gisc | Assessment database extract table: Vacant Lot Record Description |