Additional Resources for Using the 2010 SF 1 Census Data Tables



Project Metadata and Data Dictionaries


SF1_2010 (pdf) 7 mb: Full Census Project discussion and appendices


SF1_2010_DATA_FIELD_DESCRIPTORS (xls) 360 kb: Data Dictionary as provided by Census Bureau


SF1_2010_TableItemRelationship (xls) 4.6 mb: Normalized Data Dictionary based on ‘DATA_FIELD_DESCRIPTORS’. Extended to create more sortable/searchable relationships.


SF1_2010_CROSSWALK (xls) 102 kb: Shows relationship between 2000 Census tables and 2010 Census tables. Also shows relationship between 47 physical tables and 331 logic tables (subject areas). Includes ranking as to whether high priority (thus has a lyr file) or lower priority and posted to SDW only as a table.


SF1_phystabXgeometry (xls) 31 kb: Shows relationship between tables, priority level, and lyr file names for each geography


Project Data Table Import and Processing


SF1_2010_HowToUseMSAccessWithSummaryFile1 (pdf) 1.3 mb: Procedures for importing data tables using Microsoft Access


SF1_2010_GEOID_Construction_for_Matching (pdf) 61 kb: Procedures for creating GEOID for each geography level so tabular data can be joined to census geography layers


SF1_README_SF1_v2 (pdf) 467 kb: Documentation regarding accessing data on FTP site


SF1_wa2010.sf1.prd.packinglist (txt) 8 kb: Contents list for data downloaded from FTP site